MASCO and Members Partner to Make Streets Safer and Crosswalks Clearer
With more than 110,000 people hustling and bustling through the LMA on any given weekday, the need for clear street signs and well-defined crosswalks is more important than ever.
This summer MASCO partnered with Brigham and Women's Hospital to improve the busy intersection at Francis and Binney Streets. With heavy pedestrian volume at the Service Center garage and significant shuttle traffic at the intersection, 4-way STOP signs were installed as well as "STOP AHEAD" street signs and "STOP" street markings.
Boston Police Officers spent a day at the intersection to enforce the 4-way traffic stop. Additionally, the crosswalk was dug up, repaved and re-marked with weather resistant Thermoplastic striping.
Francis and Binney Street Intersection
MASCO manages a "Thermo Program" to monitor and repair street markings around the LMA. Thermoplastic striping is a heat-applied road marking compound for the installation of highly-reflective striping with long-term performance.
As you can imagine, our streets and stripings took a severe beating courtesy of Mother Nature this past winter. With more than 65 intersections and street markings requiring replacement, MASCO was able to replace and repair 48 sites this spring and summer. More than 14,000 linear square feet (or 2.5 miles) and 20 specialty street markings were replaced. The remainder sites will be fixed in October. MASCO works with the City and State agencies to help ease the burden on the public works department and highway division so they can allocate their resources at other locations in need.
Missing Right Turn Arrow Marking
Repaired Turn Arrow Marking