Carpool Registration & Monthly Report Form

Interested in joining or forming a carpool? Lean on Longwood Collective to see if that is the right option for you! Try it out for 3 months and gas is on us!

  1. Register your carpool
  2. Complete your monthly submission form
  3. Collect your $75 gas gift card for 3 months 

Don't have a match yet? Register your carpool and explore potential matches!

Additional perks 

  • ERH access
  • Two free parking vouchers per month to the off-site Kenmore parking lot; these expire after 30 days and are limited to use for carpoolers who are not the primary driver who need to drive if the primary driver is not available 

 The fine print:

  • Program participation is one time only per person and gas cards can only be requested by employees of Longwood Collective members
  • Carpools must operate at least twice a week
  • Program participants do not have to carpool with someone who works in the Longwood district and the carpool driver does not need to park in Longwood
  • You must register in the Emergency Ride Home program before you can access rides and the service is not available to non Longwood Collective members
  • Gas cards will be distributed after completion of the monthly report