Click here to see what Commuter Rail Zone you live in. If you are unsure of what Commuter Rail Station you would board, please visit the Commuter Rail Fare Calculator tool , entering your home address in the A field and your workplace address in the B field.
Release of Liability
The CommuteSwap Program is designed to encourage employees to the Longwood neighborhood to use public transportation. As a program participant, you agree to provide any information requested regarding your commute and parking practices accurately and completely. In order to participate, you must be currently driving alone to work and fill out a registration from that is reviewed and approved by Longwood Collective. You will be asked and must truthfully record the type and cost of your parking as well as the transit pass you are requesting. By registering for this program you are declaring to Longwood Collective and to your employer that you are complying with all of the requirements of the program, as set forth above. At any time, should it be determined you have failed to provide accurate information, or that you have failed to meet the requirements of the program, you expressly agree to refund Longwood Collective for all costs incurred. These costs include, but are not limited to, any incentive benefits paid to you, plus the costs of collection, if any. Please also be advised your employer will be promptly notified of any non-compliance. As always, you should consult your tax advisor concerning the tax consequences of any incentive.
Your e-mail address will not be made public or used for commercial purposes. However, you may be contacted directly by Longwood Collective about your experience with commuting and transportation-related information.
The Commuter hereby releases and hold harmless Longwood Collective and its subsidiaries, members, directors, officers, representatives, agents and employees from all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, injuries (including the reasonable cost of defense) arising out of, or in connection with this Agreement and participation in the CommuteSwap Program.
Thank you for registering with Longwood Collective, by submitting this form, you state you have read and agree to the statement above.