Bike Month and MASCO's Annual Bike Breakfast WEDNESDAY

Did you know that Massachusetts is the fourth friendliest state to bikes in all of the US?

See rankings here.

And it's BIKE MONTH here in the LMA, so don't forget about tomorrow's CommuteWorks bike breakfast and free tune-ups! Bring your bike for a tune-up from Landry's Bicycles, have a bagel, get your Masscommute Bicycle Challenge t-shirt, and catch up with fellow cyclists! All festivities take place in MASCO's courtyard along Longwood Avenue, from 7:30 am - 9:30 am. 

Also, enter a raffle to win this great book from MassArt's very own BIKEYFACE! Mass Art employee Bekka Wright is a bike enthusiast and recently published this great guide "How To Get Around Town on your Bicycle." 


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